My Story
“How do you tell the story of surviving the unspeakable? Well, that’s just it. I don’t!”
... but I will tell you the parts you should know about. Surviving an unspeakable act in my first year of life, then learning about it from a relative on her deathbed when I was an adult was quite a thing to go through. I lived two completely different lives as a result. Both lives have driven my creativity and purpose. I lived a life of lies and hidden truths. I was told I was born with birth defects. You don’t know what you don’t know. Growing up with any kind of physical problem in rural Texas in the 60’s was a real challenge. Children can be the cruelest of humans. So, I was a very quiet child. I survived a childhood tragedy that left me with a loss of hearing in one ear. That was covered up by the story I was told. I had no idea I couldn’t hear properly. I just adjusted to the situation in whatever way I could, but at some point in my early years, I discovered that when I sang, everything was normal. I could hear clearly! Another miracle - the first being that I was even alive to begin with. Imagine, singing was a way for me to be...normal! This is why music and miracles are my life’s story. Ironically another accident in my adulthood led me to doctors and through a series of needed surgeries, where my hearing was permanently fully restored! Again, a miracle! However, those early experiences made me who I am today. I don’t think it’s an accident that I now find myself about to embark on this next journey of putting my songs and story out there. It’s time!